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Well Water Systems (Sulphur)

This system is designed for well water applications where the iron in the water is high or above 1.0 ppm. This package has four stages of filtration. The water first enters the iron filter which filters out any iron or rust. Then the water softener removes any of the calcium or hardness from your water. Next an ultra violet disinfection system or UV light is used to remove and protect your water from any bacteria that may be in it. Lastly, a reverse osmosis drinking water system breaks your water down to just the water and rebuilds it with only the minerals you need.

Connected Water Softener by Pentair

Connected Water Softener by Pentair

Touch Screen Controller Pentair Filter System

Fleck XTR2 Touch Screen Controller by Pentair

Fleck 5800 Series Now Wifi enabled

Fleck 5800 Series, Now Wifi enabled


Water Treatment
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